Sunday, November 30, 2008

Exam Outline

The exam will consist of the following topics:
Square root
Operations with fractions
Rounding off

There will be calculation questions for each topic as follows:
1. Finding square root and finding a number squared.
2. Calculating percent of a number, including word problems (sale price, discount, taxes).
3. Changing fractions and decimals into percent and vice versa.
4. All operations with fractions: adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.
5. Solving ratio/proportion/rate questions: calculating equivalent ratios, finding the "missing" term.
6. You may be asked to round off your answers, depending on the question.
7. All work must be shown on the exam.
8. Calculators will be allowed.

Review pages 142 -143:
Chapter one: omit 1 - 20
Chapter two : omit 25 - 34 until further notice
Chapter three: omit 14 and 15
Chapter four: do all questions